Saturday, October 17, 2015

When do we apply the crown of thorns to Jesus?

We know that we crucified our God by our sins.  We drove the nails.  But when do we mock the true kingship of Jesus?

Isn't it when we live our lives professing to be Christians, but putting our own pleasures and desires first?  " Yeah, Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and all that, but right now I'm...." insert any of your desires here: wealth, security, esteem, sex, revenge.

The Romans soldiers were mocking Jesus with the crown because they believed in Roman power-who needs a king from a powerless place like Jerusalem?  They thought they knew what what real power was.

So all along, I thought that I give respect to the Eucharist, nod my head at the name of Jesus, take mass seriously, and check off a whole list of devout practices.  But generally, I mock Jesus on a daily basis.